Temporary Stays

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Period of Stay

  • Short-Term Stay (Category C): within 90 days
  • Long-Term & Permanent Residency: period of stay stated on the alien registration card
  • Marriage Immigrant: the same as those who stay long-term or hold permanent residency status

Extension of Stay

Those Eligible for an Extension of Stay
  • In case of expiration of permission of stay, the foreigner shall receive permission for an extension of stay if he/she desires to stay continuously in Korea.
Application Period
  • If your current stay period has not expired, you can apply from 4 months before the expiration of your stay up to the expiration date.
  • If applying for an extension after the expiration date, the individual shall pay a penalty fee.
How to apply for permission for extension of stay
  • The individual or individual’s agent shall prepare and send the required documents to the Immigration Office having jurisdiction over the area where the individual lives.
Required Documents
  • Application of Permission for Extension of Stay, Passport, Alien Registration Card, required documents per Status of Stay, fee

Change Status of Stay

Those Eligible for Changing Status of Stay
  • Foreigners seeking to carry out activities allowed under a different status must change their status of stay.
Application Period
  • In order to engage in activities not permitted by the current status of stay, permission to change the status must be obtained from the local Immigration Office prior to engaging in the new activities.
Required Documents
  • Application of Permission for Change of Status, Passport, Alien Registration Card, required documents per Different Status, fee

Re-Entry Permit

Those Eligible for a Re-Entry Permit & Application Period

Foreigners seeking to stay for more than 90 days who want to depart and re-enter within the permitted period of stay must obtain a re-entry permit from the local Immigration Office under the relevant jurisdiction.

  • For those departing on that day, a single re-entry visa may be issued at the departure gate, regardless of the current status.
  • For those who depart Korea without a re-entry permit or who do not re-enter within the permitted period, the existing status of stay will no longer be valid.
Types of Re-Entry Permit
  • Single: Re-entry is available one time for up to one year.
  • Multiple: Re-entry is available multiple times for up to two years.
Required Documents
  • Application of Re-Entry Permission, Passport, Alien Registration Card, required documents per Status of Stay, fee