Education System

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Education System

Kindergarten(Daycare Center, Preschool)
  • Kindergarten helps children under 7 years old to prepare for elementary school.
Elementary school
  • Elementary education is compulsory for 6 years from the age of 7 to 12.
Middle school
  • It's compulsory for 3 years from the age of 13 to 15
High school
  • It lasts for 3 years from the age of 16 to 18
  • It is a higher educational institution that lasts for 4 years

Education System images

Things to know

  • Since elementary school and middle school is compulsory education, tuition fees and textbook fees are free of charge.
  • When it's not possible for your child to be accepted to a foreign school, you are free to send him/her to local Korean school. They can transfer to the other schools during the semester as well.
    ※ For more information
    • - Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education(, ☎ +82-52-210-5400
    • - Ulsan Metropolitan Gangnam District Office of Education, (, ☎ +82-52-228-6666